Monday, December 6, 2010

I Always Wanted to Dance

From the time I was a young child, I was deeply affected by music, and loved to move my body in expression of it. I would whirl gracelessly around our living room, unaware and unconcerned about how I looked.

I thought dance was beautiful, and I wanted to be able to do it well, so I begged my parents to let me take lessons. Unfortunately, I was already involved in piano lessons, and so was my brother. Since my parents already had their hands full getting us to lessons and motivating us to practice, it is understandable that they didn't take the opportunity to expand my artistic repertoire further.

As a youngster, I was never very coordinated or athletic. I had problems with depth perception, and could neither hit nor catch flying objects. I seemed to lack awareness of where my body was in space. I was always picked last for sports teams, and dreaded P.E. class. By the time I got to Junior High, P.E. was no longer required, which was a huge relief to me.

Walking, on the other hand, was no problem. I have always been an avid walker. In our rural neighbourhood in Colorado, the roads were unpaved and very hilly. Walking was a pleasure for me, as well as a tool that allowed me to settle my feelings and organize my thoughts. So, despite my lack of participation in P.E. classes, I kept pretty good aerobic capacity and leg strength. This, in combination with genetics, kept me from becoming overweight as I matured into adulthood.

In my twenties, I finally became more active. I took up running, and enjoyed it until a chronic injury in my foot forced me to stop. I lifted weights off and on for years. When I was twenty-six, I took up yoga, and it was to change my life.

I began in Iyengar Yoga, but quickly transitioned to Astanga Yoga, and, for the first time in my life, began to gain some real control over my body. With dedicated practice, I became graceful in the flowing movements. My posture also improved dramatically. Until that time, I had never been aware of my habit of slouching. But, habit it was. I had gained my 5' 9" height early enough in life to be uncomfortable about being taller than other kids, especially the boys. Unfortunately, I never outgrew unconsciously trying to make myself shorter and less conspicuous.

Yoga changed all that. For the first time, my spine was straight, my shoulders back, my head held high. Just in making that change, I looked as if I had lost fifteen pounds. It's amazing what good posture will do for a person's appearance, and I'm very glad I embraced it when I did.

My dancing, however, was still horrible. I had never in my life progressed beyond the ability, at public dances, to shuffle from foot to foot and clap my hands. When I tried to dance more freely at home, I just didn't look good, and I didn't have any idea how to improve. Once, my ex-husband saw me dancing, and said, "it's a good thing we never had kids."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because they might have inherited that!" he brutally exclaimed.

Needless to say, I never danced in public.

This state of affairs continued until my late thirties, when a childhood girlfriend told me that she had learned bellydance from DVDs, and was enjoying it immensely. For some reason, that knowledge stuck in my head, and in a few months, I had gotten up the courage to try it myself. I bought two DVDs and began the arduous process of training my body to do things it had never attempted before.

I was not a natural, or a quick study. I was, however, determined. And in the privacy of my own home, I could make as many mistakes as it took, and spend as much time as it took, to learn the basic movements.

Soon, though, I hit a wall in my home training (I'll write in more detail about that later), and realized that if I wanted to progress, I would need to take lessons, and so I screwed up my courage and began.

Here I am, seven months later. The lessons have helped me immensely. For the first time in my life, I feel like I can actually dance, and look beautiful and graceful rather than clumsy and awkward. It has been an enormous boost to my self-confidence, as well as a great workout. I have fallen in love with bellydance. It is something I took up completely on my own -- no one else decided it for me, as was the case with piano. I take great joy in my continuing attainment of dancing skills. I have learned that if I work hard, I will see improvement. And I eagerly look forward to improving more and more as time goes on!